Saturday 21 February 2015

Demoncon and Bootcamp!

Demoncon 9 was a small and friendly convention, it reminded me of the early cons I used to frequent when I first stepped into the small press scene some years back, before the madding crowds of MCM Expo and London Film & Comic Con. Having a table next to my KRG team mates was an added bonus, as they skated around the venue recruiting fresh meat for the rec league.

The highlight of the day (or rather, the month!) was attending the speed bootcamp run by Skate Britain. Reccies joined the ranks of main leaguers as Skate Britain showed us some techniques to help improve our speed and endurance. I got to partner up with my buddy Whackin' Phoenix, I had not skated with her since she went and crushed her minimum skills last year and she was brilliant. It was a lot of fun and with only one embarrassing tumble from me as I went flying forwards at a corner and skidded across the ground on my front - but that is just normal behaviour from me!

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